Advanced Wood Manufacturing Lab

Welcome to the Advanced Wood Manufacturing Laboratory! 

We are working on forest products applications and manufacturing. Our research focuses on wood processing, fabrication, and quality control through integrated experimental and data-driven techniques. We conduct interdisciplinary research through collaboration between multiple academic disciplines including wood science, manufacturing and civil engineering, design and architecture, and computer science to tackle the cutting-edge challenges of wood manufacturing and smart production. We are always eager to hear from and work with different industries and academic institutions interested in our research. Please, contact us for more information.

News and Announcements

New article in MPDI

Nasir, V.; Schimleck, L.; Abdoli, F.; Rashidi, M.; Sassani, F.; Avramidis, S. Quality Control of Thermally Modified Western Hemlock Wood Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Explainable Machine Learning. Polymers 2023, 15, 4147.